
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Release - A poem by Julian Woodhouse

I can't even begin to express how excited I am about the short film I've been working on with my good friend Robbie Gooding! If you remember the post I did right before this film then you'll recognize the poem when you see the film. I'd love to thank God for the sturggles that I have endured and will continue to endure. Even though I have gone through the storm, I know he is there with me and will never leave me. And Rob Gooding for not only being a creative force that took my ideas and my vision for this to the level it is at.

In addition to that I want to thank all of my friends who have supported and loved me through everything. You all mean so much to me!

And is what we've all been waiting for

by Julian Eugene Woodhouse and Rob Gooding